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The whole month in Guatemala was amazing beyond belief! Through out the month  God has taught me so much, but if I had to narrow it down to two things it would be: Patience & Grace. Don’t worry, I’ll unpack this for you!



It’s funny how when you ask God to give you patience, he gives you more opportunities to be patient. One of the hardest realizations I have had to come to so far on this trip has been the realization that I am getting attached and saying goodbye 11 different times. Yes, 11. The older I become and the more ministry I am involved with, the more I come to the realization that my heart very much desires to be planted. I find myself dreaming and fantasizing about a day where I possibly have the opportunity to be full time involved in a ministry, where I get to be long term planted. However, in this season of my life that is not where God has me. Right now God is calling me into patience and submission to encourage churches around the world and to submit to the areas of teaching and growth he has me in. This season takes a lot of patience, but I am trusting that God is sovereign over every step I take. 



A huge theme over not just now but this whole upcoming year for me is grace. I have learned that I very much struggle to not only show myself grace, but to accept the grace that the Lord so freely gives and offers to us as his children. The ministry that we are doing is very relational and with that being said, everything inside of me wants to be fluent in Spanish so that I may connect with people on a deep level and share the Gospel with them in a very personal and relational way. In this, I have had to die to the trap of perfectionism. I have found myself getting overly frustrated and not showing myself grace for not being fluent overnight. I have learned in these past few weeks/ been reminded that God’s grace is so sufficient and that his strength is made perfect in my weakness. I have seen the Lord move and work in people’s lives even despite my broken Spanish and have been shown that God has so much grace for my imperfections and he still chooses and wants to use me through my brokenness. Not to mention, he is glorified and magnified all the more when he is the one doing the work, not me. 


An example of this was a conversation with a beautiful women I met in Central Park of Aguas Calienties. I sat down next to this women and starting talking to her, getting to know her by asking her questions about her family, her work, and what in life is hard. After getting to know her I asked her what I could pray for her for and prayed for her in my broken Spanish. As we said Amen and opened our eyes I saw tears streaming down her face and it was evident that God was doing some sort of work in her heart and life. The Lord is so good and faithful to use us in our weaknesses! 


The Lord is so faithful and good to grow & refine us as we seek him and walk with him. Stay tuned for more growth stories, praying for growth among you all as well! 

One response to “Growth in Guatemala”

  1. Maria!!! So great to read how God is growing you in every way! Yes, He is sovereign!!! His presence in NoVa, around me & my friends, are very evident.
    Looking forward to reading more about how God is reaching diff people through you! ??