
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hey everyone!!


My time in Guatemala has been absolutely incredible & I’m so excited to share with you all the work that the Lord is doing here!


Our ministry has consisted of House visits, farm work, VBS programs, teaching English, incredible worship nights, discipleship, and sports ministry! 


In all of these things I have seen such beautiful moments of the Lord working in the lives of people and I have been ministered to and blessed by seeing the genuine hearts of people here in Guatemala. 


One of the most powerful and humbling ministries for me has been the house visits. I have been humbled to see how much people here appreciate you just stepping into their home and spending intentional time with them. My initial expectation was to walk, share the gospel, ask what we can pray for, pray, and then leave. I was so humbled to see how inconsiderate this mind set was for me. Hope ministries (the ministry we are partnered with here) makes a strong effort to create long lasting relationships with these people and the locals love this so much that some of them even have benches in their house specifically for when people come for house visits! Getting to know these people has been such a blessing and their willingness to so openly talk about their daily struggles and hardships has been so humbling. 


Another side of ministry that has been so powerful for me is worship room. I’ve been so honored and blessed to be able to spend most of the month worshipping and partnering with the worship room team. When I left the states, I thought I was saying goodbye to the many opportunities I had to lead worship, but I have been so pleasantly surprised to have so many opportunities to lead in corporate worship. This has also stretched me out of comfort zone to be more comfortable leading worship in Spanish. God has used this to continually remind me that his strength is made perfect in my weakness!


Overall, I have loved my time here and I am so grateful that God gave me the opportunity to party with such amazing people to do his Kingdom work! 


Thank you everyone for your support & prayers leading up to this time and during this time! You’re support has been such a blessing so much in even just a month! 


You can be continuing to pray for my squad as we head to Honduras to spend a month on a mountain tenting, building a church and loving on our host and his family! 


Praying for you all! 

Maria G. 

3 responses to “Month One Down!”

  1. MARIA!!!! Your laugh and smile is contagious and I wish I could hug you! You are on my heart and I am so honored to call you one of my friends who chase after the Lord’s call ?? love you so much!

  2. I love hearing about the home visits. I always believe that people that share their home are really sharing themselves & you were sharing God’s love – beautiful combinations! Godspeed in Honduras ???? ??????

  3. It’s so exciting to hear what God is doing in your life down there, and the ministries you have been a part of. I’m glad you are still using your worship gifts! I know how much you love that:-). I hope Honduras is just as great!